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Leo Messi explains and talks everything on air at radio | Setanta Sports
2023 Jan 30, 22:04 PM
3 mins read

“I always thank God. I knew he was going to give me a World Cup, I don’t know, I felt it,” – told Leo Messi to Andy Kusnetzoff in Paris. Ballon D’or 7 times winner made first interview with media after winning the world cup.

About winning world cup, his emotions, dramas, events against Netherlands, his sign towards Antonela Roccuzzo – Messi discussed everything.

Leo Messi Interview with Andy Kusnetzoff lasted for 45 minutes and was premiered at UrbanaPLay.

Messi about winning world cup

“Luckily what we dreamed of so much happened. Luckily it happened in the end. From that day everything changed for me. Now we can say it. The joy of the crowd, which included huge people and lads of all ages, was insane. About celebrations

“Everything I had envisioned would pale in comparison to what really transpired, and that is exactly what happened. It was far more than I had anticipated in terms of the people, my emotions, my family, and Argentina. It was considerably more than I had anticipated—and it wasn’t only that I had seen myself as the global champion. Something substantial and even more.”

About support from all over the world

“Of course, everyone wanted their country to be world champion first. But when they were left out, chose Argentina for my reason. It was something I had been hearing long before the world cup started, plus everyone was going for their country and also people wanted me to win, I don’t think it ever happened. All that energy finally made it possible.”

About Van Gaal and Wout Veghorst

“I regret what I did and what transpired with the ‘go over there’ instruction. There is a lot of anxiety and strain during the game, and you don’t have time to stop and think about anything. Actually, there was no strategy. It just occurred that way, and like I said, I’d rather not carry that memory forward.”

About phrase: ‘Andá pa´allá, bobo – Go there fool‘ to Wout Veghorst – “Everything that came out was natural. Actually, that player and a few others had experienced a lot on the pitch. When there is tension, conflict, or crossover, the referee may also become feverish during that time. The game had just ended and I was in the mixed area. I am aware that everything is complete at this point.”

Messi about Maradona

“Yes, of course, he would have handed it to me if he had been present.

He wanted me to see the world champion. It would have made for a lovely shot as well [championship photo similar to Maradona one 1986].

I believe that a great deal of people who care about me and want the best for me made an effort – not just for this, but for everything. Particularly them during this World Cup, with the song that went viral throughout the globe and them pushing from above “.

Leo Messi won everything except of the French Cup in his ongoing career. Argentina won the world cup for the first time after 1986 and overall lifted the third world cup trophy.