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Van Gaal - I hope you watch the final | Setanta Sports
2022 Nov 17, 14:44 PM
1 mins read

Louis van Gaal makes an interesting statement before the World Cup, – “The fans have the right to boycott the Qatar World Cup, because of the grave situation in the country, in terms of human rights violations, but if we reach the final, I hope someone will still be watching TV.”

A recent survey found that out of 28,000 respondents in the Netherlands, only 14% are interested in the World Cup.

Van Gaal stated his position about the host country once again, – “Qatar should not host the World Cup, however, the organizers did a great job. The most experienced countries should always host the World Championship. The training ground is ideal, the hotel is excellent, I can’t say anything bad about it, I’m looking forward to the start of the tournament, the main thing is that my players have the same attitude.”

“We know that we don’t have the best players in the world, but I have players who can do exactly what I’ve told them, we trust our chosen plan and tactics.”