FIFA whistleblower movie on Netflix

ფიფას მამხილებელი ფილმის პრემიერა Netflix-ზე შედგება | Setanta Sports

On November 9, a documentary called FIFA Uncovered will premiere on Netflix. The film talks about the scandalous deals developed around FIFA, the film reviews the period of the administration of Joseph Blatter and tells us about the selection of the host countries of the World Cup. Of course, it is no coincidence that the premiere will take place shortly before the start of the World Cup, this will be another compromising material against the FIFA rulers and Qatar, despite the accusations, despite many protests, Qatar will still be able to host the World Cup.

“Do these people really care about the game?“ – We hear a rhetorical question from the movie trailer.

It should be noted that so far a long report has been devoted to this topic by the German Deutsche Welle, where the journalist Mark Meadows calls the revolt against Qatar a football snobbery, Meadows notes that not only Russia and Qatar, but also Germany received the right to host in 2006 in exchange for a scandalous deal in violation of the rules. However, this did not lead to protests from different federations.

About The Author
Vitalii Volochai
Vitalii Volochai
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