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Saba Purtseladze.
2023 Jan 06, 16:17 PM
5 mins read

21-year-old Georgian tennis player Saba Purtseladze faces the 2023 season with new goals and the highest ranking.

Successful 2022

Purtseladze’s 2022 season turned out to be quite successful: throughout the year, he was able to appear in several tournaments and win his maiden professional titles.

Saba Purtseladze wins his ITF titles in Egypt.
Saba Purtseladze wins his ITF titles in Egypt.

Last year, the Georgian tennis player twice became the champion of the ITF-M15 tournaments in Sharm-el-Sheikh. He reached another final too.

Purtseladze also actively participates in doubles, as he was able to win one title and reach another final. Right now he is taking the 662nd place in the doubles rankings, which is the highest result from Georgia. Also, After Nikoloz Basilashvili, Saba Purtseladze is the number one player from Georgia in singles.

Purtseladze also appeared effectively at the 2022 ATP Cup, where he competed in the Georgian national team along with Nikoloz Basilashvili, Sandro Metreveli, Aleksandre Bakshi, and Zuka Tkemaladze.

Saba played his match in doubles with Zuka Tkemaladze, as he recorded the fastest serve in the tournament: 221 km/h. In Australia, he had training sessions with Nick Kyrgios and deserved his compliments.

As Purtseladze says, the ATP Cup was the best experience in his life. As a result, he made a big jump in the rankings: at the start of 2022, he was behind 1100, and he starts the new year at the 547th position and holds the highest ranking in his career.

New Year – New Goals

Andrey Gorban and Saba Purtseladze.
Andrey Gorban and Saba Purtseladze.

The new rankings position allows the promising Georgian tennis player to participate in the Challengers qualification in 2023 and aim for bigger results.

It must be noted that Saba Purtseladze is spending preseason time with an experienced specialist Andrey Gorban in Tbilisi, Georgia. Moldovian coach has worked with Radu Albot and Elena Ostapenko earlier.

“The preparation period is going well. Expectations for the new season are also higher. Working with Andrey is interesting, I get an unicque experience from him. I hope we will have a successful partnership”.

– says Purtseladze.