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Benzema Denies allegations about Fundametal Isalm and Terrorism | Setanta Sports
2023 Oct 20, 16:47 PM
3 mins read

Karim Benzema has expressed his dissatisfaction with being equated to a terrorist and vehemently denies being a fundamentalist Muslim. His lawyer, Hugues Vigier, stated that Benzema feels deeply troubled by the impact this controversy is having on his children, who witness their father facing accusations of terrorism.

In an interview with France Info, Vigier strongly criticized what he called “odious blackmail” by the French Minister of Interior, Gérald Darmanin. Darmanin had challenged Benzema to publicly disprove allegations of his affiliation with the Muslim Brotherhood and his supposed “selective outrage.”

What Minister of Interior said about Benzema?

Darmanin insisted that if Benzema truly wanted to “demonstrate his good intentions,” he should post a message condemning the recent jihadist attack in Arra on his social media platforms.

He argued that Benzema had previously shown solidarity with the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip during Israel’s offensive and should now do the same for the victims of the attack in Arra.

Benzema, Terrorism, Funamentalist Muslim – Answer from Benzema’s side

However, Benzema’s lawyer objected, stating that the responsibility lies with the minister to demonstrate his own honesty, rather than expecting it from his client. Vigier emphasized that Darmanin, instead of Benzema, should have the “political courage” to admit that his claims about Benzema are “false.”

Lawyer Vigier noted that Darmanin’s words earlier this week, alleging Benzema’s proximity to the Muslim Brotherhood, have been “devastating” and have dramatically impacted Benzema’s life. Benzema himself expressed distress over the unfair accusations, stating, “I have heard so many unjust things about me. But now it’s my children who suffer because they accuse their father of being a terrorist.”

Vigier further argued that the controversy surrounding Benzema, sparked “purely for political gain,” will only fuel Islamophobia and empower the far-right. He also emphasized that Benzema’s religious practices are far from radical. When questioned about the allegations, Benzema allegedly responded, “I don’t know who the Muslim Brotherhood is. I don’t know their specific religious or political message.”

The lawyer also highlighted that while Benzema may have heard of the group, he did not possess knowledge of its true nature or implications. Vigier condemned the use of Benzema’s name in this way and stressed that his client’s religious beliefs are not tied to any form of radicalism.

Marine Le Pen about – Benzema, Terrorism, Funamentalist Muslim

Adding to the controversy, Marine Le Pen, the leader of the far-right in France, also spoke out against Benzema’s alleged ties to radical Islam. Le Pen asserted, “Benzema sympathizes with the most radical form of Islam, which some refer to as Islamic fundamentalism.”

Benzema denies allegations about Terrorism & Fundamental Islam

It’s worth noting that Darmanin accused Benzema of having “notorious links” to the Muslim Brotherhood but failed to provide concrete evidence. Darmanin argued that Benzema serves as a tool for propagating a strict interpretation of Islam and that the organization exploits the notoriety of individuals like him to popularize their vision.

The allegations against Benzema have not only affected his public image but have also deeply impacted his family’s well-being.

Benzema, through his lawyer, categorically denies any association with terrorism and disputes the claims of being a fundamentalist Muslim. As this controversy unfolds, it remains to be seen how it will impact Benzema’s career and personal life moving forward.