
If you believe that a broadcast on the channels of Setanta Team has breached one of the following, you may submit a complaint to us:

  1. Harm, offence, incitement, and authority of the State (section 46J of the Act)

We will ensure that our programming does not contain material that may be reasonably regarded as a) causing harm or undue offence, b) promoting or inciting crime, c) promoting, or inciting terrorism, d) inciting violence or hatred against a group of persons or e) undermine the authority of the State.

  1. Privacy (section 46K of the Act)

We will ensure that the privacy of any individual is not unreasonably encroached on, in our broadcast of programmes or in the means employed of making programmes.

iii. News and current affairs (section 46L of the Act)


We will ensure that our news programming is objective and impartial and that it does not contain any expression of our own views.

Current Affairs

We will ensure that our current affairs programmes are objective and impartial and do not contain any of our own views and that we will treat the subject matter and all interests concerned fairly.

  1. Advertising (sections 46M(2) or (3), 106(3) and 127(6)of the Act)

We will ensure that advertisements are not directed towards a political end, will not relate to an industrial dispute, or will not address the merits of adhering to any religious faith or belief, or of becoming a member of any religion or religious organisation.

It is important to be aware that complaint matters related to advertising can also be made to the Advertising Standards Authority of Ireland (ASAI).

  1. Codes

Existing regulatory broadcasting Codes as put in place by the Broadcasting Authority remain in place If you feel we have breached one of these Codes you can also make a complaint to us. Please find a list of the relevant codes set out below.


Code of Fairness, Objectivity and Impartiality.

Programmes Standards

Code of Programme Standards.

Commercial Communications

All commercial communications broadcast by Setanta Team are required to comply with the following Codes:

General Commercial Communications Code

Children’s Commercial Communications Code

You can email [email protected] . A member of staff will attempt to resolve the matter effectively. If we are unable to successfully resolve the matter and you believe your complaint falls within one of the categories listed above, you should submit the following details in writing:

Your name and address;

The category under which you believe your complaint falls (as listed above);

The date, time and channel of broadcast;

The name of the programme/commercial communication that is the subject of your complaint; and

The details of what in the broadcast caused you to make a complaint.

In order to assist viewers a complaint form can be downloaded from our website at:

If your complaint does not contain all of the information required we cannot guarantee that it will be processed. Setanta Team does not accept complaints which we deem to be frivolous and/or vexatious in nature, nor will complaints using offensive or threatening language be responded to.

Setanta Team is committed to protecting the rights and privacy of individuals in accordance with applicable Data Protection legislation.

Please note the timelines for making a complaint under Act:

  1. a) If a complaint relates to one broadcast the complaint must be made within 30 days of this broadcast;
  1. b) If a complaint relates to two or more unrelated broadcasts on different dates, the complaint must be made within 30 days of the earliest broadcast; or
  1. c) If a complaint relates to two or more related broadcasts on different dates, the complaint must be made within 30 days of the latest of these broadcasts.

Complaints submitted outside of these time periods will not be accepted.

Setanta Team will give complaints made in good faith due and adequate consideration. When a complaint has been accepted by Setanta Team, we will work to resolve the issue in question, as efficiently as possible. An appropriate member of staff will:

Contact you to acknowledge receipt of the complaint within 7 days.

Consider the issues raised in your complaint and review the broadcast identified in your complaint.

If appropriate, we will contact any person to whom your complaint relates i.e. advertiser, producer, presenter, in order to allow them to provide their input into Setanta Team’s response.

Will respond to your complaint within 21 days of receipt, and will, as far as practicable, address all issues raised in your complaint. The reasons for Setanta Team’s decision will be set out in this response.

We shall keep all valid complaints accepted under this Code on file for a period of 2 years from the date of receipt.

Your complaint may be upheld or rejected by Setanta Team. If your complaint is rejected, it means we believe our broadcast was in compliance with our obligations listed in this Code of Practice.

Upholding a complaint means we believe that our programming did not meet our obligations.

If your complaint is upheld, we will attempt to resolve it to your satisfaction. The manner of resolution shall be decided on a case by case basis and may take the form of an apology, a correction, clarification and/or the offer of a rebuttal as appropriate.

If we have not responded to your complaint within 21 days or if you are not satisfied with our response you can then refer your complaint to Coimisiún na Meán. Coimisiún na Meán.can be contacted at:

Complaints Officer

Coimisiún na Meán

2 – 5 Warrington Place

Dublin 2

Website: www.cnam.ie

Email: [email protected]

Online form: For now, complainants can continue to use the existing online complaints portal at:


We are required to keep a record of all complaints submitted in accordance with this Code of Practice for a period of two years. We are also required to provide these records to Coimisiún na Meán, if the Commission requests them. Our records will include copies of your complaint, our response/s and the copies of the broadcast material in question.

Please include your name and postal address or email address below to ensure that Broadcaster can respond to your complaint